Monday, July 15, 2013

First Week in Haiti

What a WEEK! It has been wonderful, crazy, fun, and exciting! I am very much in love with this country. So many of the people are wonderful and are extremely caring!

My students and English class is really the highlight of my week. They always have something that will either make me laugh or bring me close to tears! Today, one of my students said "I don't understand English" and I responded with "Why is that?" and he proceeded to say "Because of the word eggplant. There is no egg in this plant." This of course was HILARIOUS to me! Of course, WHY would a plant have the word egg in it, EVER!?! Small questions that my students ask, I had never would have thought to think about! It is great for them to question English because it makes me question English more than I have ever done in the past. And of course, they teach me Creole in class, but I really speak a mix of Creole and French. It is challenging and so interesting to speak with them, and they are so incredibly patient with me. They certainly laugh, but they always help me pronounce and speak Creole and French properly.

Every Friday, I hold a conversation class in English. We had a great time last Friday discussing anything that came up. One topic that seems to come up often is religion. Haitian's are extremely religious and very passionate about God, Christianity, and Jesus. Most are very strict Catholic. They are always curious about my beliefs about religion. I never really know how to express my religious beliefs because I am not sure I have any. I am still unsure what exactly to believe and that would be very hard to convey to Haitians.

On Saturday, we were able to get out and go to a public beach in Haiti. It was so much fun! The water felt like bath water and was so amazing! So beautiful and blue! It is always difficult being 'Blan' and going to public places because you get STARED at. I mean straight STARE, and not a small stare. The kind that makes you uncomfortable. The kids really are the worst, but I also think back to the states and kids stare at anything that is different, which makes perfect sense. The beach was wonderful, and I even started my Haitian tan! I think I am dark, but the Haitians laugh at me when I put sunscreen on. They just don't understand!

On Sunday, we were able to go to a local club soccer game. This was quite the experience! So many people and so many soccer fans! It was very fun to go and be part of the soccer game and watch how the Haitians play, which is actually a little bit different from how I was taught. Their formation and organization of the field looks a little different, but still seems successful! It was a great experience to see the soccer culture in Haiti.

Today, Monday, was a little hectic in the morning! Teacher Summer Institute is HAC's biggest event of the year. HAC brings in teachers from all over Haiti and they are given a certificate after the conference to help boost their resume and teaching skills. It has been very successful and most people who are here this year were also here the year before! That is a success for sure!

As I said early, Haiti has very much stolen my heart this first week. I wish I could speak better Creole and express that to the Haitians. Their country is beautiful and holds so many treasures. It has taken my breath away on many occasions.

"Beyond the mountain, is another mountain" -Haitian Proverb

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